5 Poses To Release Your Lower Back

Here are some simple, yet very effective poses for soothing lower back pain. The most important thing here is to be kind to yourself and focus on allowing a release, rather than trying to force one. Gift yourself time and deep breaths to fully feel the benefits of these lower back pain stretch suggestions. If you would like to be guided through a lower body release, check out this class.

5 Poses To Release Your Lower Back - Reclined Shoelace

Reclined Shoelace – Crossing the legs over and holding onto the ankles or feet to gently pull deeper into the stretch. The lower back is fully supported by the floor in the pose allowing it to release and relax. Hold for 8-10 breaths and repeat with opposite leg on top.

5 Poses To Release Your Lower Back - Knee Hugs

Knee Hugs – Bringing the knee up towards the chest or arm pit area, gently hug close to feel a release into the side of the lumbar spine. Hold for 8-10 breaths and repeat with opposite leg.

5 Poses To Release Your Lower Back - Seal Stretch

Seal Stretch – Taking the feet wide apart, firstly come up onto the forearms for a gentle back bend. For a deeper stretch, straighten the arms and lift the torso higher. Move slowly into this one and breathe freely. Hold for 8-10 breaths and counterpose with a childs pose.

5 Poses To Release Your Lower Back - Deep Squat

Deep Squat – Taking the feet a little wider than hip width apart, turn the toes out and sit low. You can take a couple of pillows to sit on, to further chill out this pose. Focus on relaxing the glute muscles and lower back area to help release and create space. Slowly move from side to side to encourage more hip opening. Hold for 8-10 breaths or longer if using pillows.

5 Poses To Release Your Lower Back - Downward Facing Dog

 Downward Facing Dog – Taking the hands around shoulder width apart and the feet around hip width apart. Slightly bend the knees to allow the spine to lengthen from tailbone to crown. Sway the tailbone from left to right to encourage releasing the lower back. Hold for 8-10 breaths and rest.